WHY REHEGOO2024-05-26T14:11:31+00:00




Licence included

 Our all-inclusive solution provides fully-licensed music for your business with no additional costs.

Personalised music

Our music stylists create playlists for your business, matching your image with your clientèle. 

Musical repertoire

We constantly update our repertoire so your customers are offered a new experience each time. 

Technology partners

We work with the best technology partners to guarantee you music for all spaces and occasions.

Licence included

Our all-inclusive solution provides fully-licensed music for your business with no additional costs. 

Personalised music

Our music stylists create playlists for your business, matching your image with your clientèle. 

Musical repertoire

We constantly update our repertoire so your customers are offered a new experience each time.

Technology partners

We work with the best technology partners to guarantee you music for all spaces and occasions.

Rehegoo: the power of music in just one licence

If you’re looking for a simple, advantageous, quality solution for music management in your business, Rehegoo is the answer. Exempt from music licence costs, our musical repertoire makes for significant savings. With a single annual membership fee, you will have access to fully-authorised tracks without the complication of traditional licence procedures. But that’s not all: we want to give you a detailed overview of how music licensing works in the UK. Find out about royalty collection and distribution and how Rehegoo simplifies this procedure, offering you an affordable, transparent option.

Rehegoo: the power of music in just one licence

If you’re looking for a simple, advantageous, quality solution for music management in your business, Rehegoo is the answer. Exempt from music licence costs, our musical repertoire makes for significant savings. With a single annual membership fee, you will have access to fully-authorised tracks without the complication of traditional licence procedures. But that’s not all: we want to give you a detailed overview of how music licensing works in the UK. Find out about royalty collection and distribution and how Rehegoo simplifies this procedure, offering you an affordable, transparent option.


Young emerging artists from across the world
The best tech providers so you can get the best out of our music
Albums and singles sold by Rehegoo across the world

Music Stylist

Our Music Stylists curate the playlists of your stores and businesses with constantly updated music, guaranteeing a personalised service. We devise the playlists based on the time of the day and the habits of your clientèle to engage them and make them feel they’re in the right place. Rehegoo music always keeps up with new trends and customer preferences, so you can concentrate better on managing your business.

Technology partners

We collaborate with the best technology partners to ensure our customers constantly high-quality audio, so that our music can be fully appreciated.  Customer satisfaction is our priority and we make sure that sound system quality meets the standards of our musical repertoire.

Personalised Approach

Our personalised approach is much more than playlist management. Thanks to our team of Music Stylists and industry studies performed in the retail world, we understand the specific needs of your public and your brand. We adapt playlists not just to the time of the day and the season, but also to brand products. We offer unique live music experiences with our “Rehegoo Live” label. What’s more, we curate musical backgrounds for your advertising content with “Music for Content”. Rehegoo’s personalised music services for any product means a personalised music approach for everyone. 

Music Stylist

Our Music Stylists curate the playlists of your stores and businesses with constantly updated music, guaranteeing a personalised service. We devise the playlists based on the time of the day and the habits of your clientèle to engage them and make them feel they’re in the right place. Rehegoo music always keeps up with new trends and customer preferences, so you can concentrate better on managing your business.

Technology partners

We collaborate with the best technology partners to ensure our customers constantly high-quality audio, so that our music can be fully appreciated.  Customer satisfaction is our priority and we make sure that sound system quality meets the standards of our musical repertoire.

Personalised Approach

Our personalised approach is much more than playlist management. Thanks to our team of Music Stylists and industry studies performed in the retail world, we understand the specific needs of your public and your brand. We adapt playlists not just to the time of the day and the season, but also to brand products. We offer unique live music experiences with our “Rehegoo Live” label. What’s more, we curate musical backgrounds for your advertising content with “Music for Content”. Rehegoo’s personalised music services for any product means a personalised music approach for everyone. 


feel good
beast mode


Frequently Asked Question


How to use music without violating copyright?2023-10-29T16:57:51+00:00

To use music without violating copyright it is important to ensure the source from which the music comes. Rehegoo offers a large selection of music to use legally and safely for commercial and personal use. From the Rehegoo platform you can select songs of different genres and styles, giving a musical identity to your business, or you can contact us to find the ideal soundtrack for your creative projects (videos, podcasts, presentations, etc.).

What are SIAE and SCF licenses?2023-10-29T16:58:24+00:00

Music licenses authorize the use of one or more songs for a specific purpose. These licenses must be paid to SIAE and SCF in all cases in which a musical piece belonging to the repertoire administered by them is used in public. If you want to use music without having to pay for SIAE and SCF licenses, you have to rely on royalty-free catalogues.

The music license issued by Rehegoo already covers all the rights necessary for use, resulting in the elimination of costs otherwise due to SIAE and SCF.

What services does Rehegoo offer?2023-10-29T16:58:40+00:00

For both services, Music for Business and Music for Content, Rehegoo offers customized solutions based on individual needs:

  • artistic consultancy prior to signing the license and constant throughout the relationship;
    user license and legal assistance;
  • periodic and seasonal musical updates;
  • technological solutions for audio diffusion;
  • full compatibility with technological services offered by third parties.
Can I use Rehegoo music without needing other licenses?2023-10-29T16:39:21+00:00

Certain! Our services are designed to offer users an all-encompassing solution that covers all necessary permissions.

Visit the Music for Business and Music for Content sections for more details on usage-based licensing.

What does royalty-free music mean?2023-10-29T16:39:56+00:00

By royalty-free, we commonly mean music by authors and artists not registered with collective management bodies, such as SIAE, LEA, SCF…

In these cases, their music is protected and the use remunerated, not through these companies, but directly by the users. Artists receive a periodic report from Rehegoo on the use of their songs with the corresponding payments.

For this reason, we prefer royalty-free to royalty-inclusive to define Rehegoo music.

Who is Rehegoo and what does it do?2023-10-29T16:40:35+00:00

Rehegoo is a music service provider that offers companies and content creators musical services created and designed to provide sound for commercial spaces and set video projects to music. Rehegoo music is selected based on high quality standards; comes from emerging artists from all over the world, who see Rehegoo as an opportunity to make their music known and obtain financial feedback.

The services offered already include all the licenses necessary for the use of music and it is not necessary to obtain other permits, licenses or authorizations.

Rehegoo’s goal is to simplify the use of music in commercial spaces and video content, putting quality first, at affordable prices.

Music For Business

Does Rehegoo music contain explicit content?2023-10-29T15:36:59+00:00

We understand how stressful it can be to manage explicit content for your brand, so we decided to make things simple: none of our songs contain explicit language.

Will my music be legally covered and safe?2023-10-29T15:37:38+00:00

Absolutely yes! Rehegoo’s Music for Business music service is legal and includes the necessary licenses. Rehegoo ensures that the distribution of music in your business complies with public performance regulations. You can rest easy knowing that the music provided by Rehegoo is safe and of high quality.

How do SIAE and SCF licenses work for shops and commercial activities?2023-10-29T15:38:26+00:00

The SIAE and SCF licenses take various parameters into consideration, including: the size of the space where the music is played, the number of speakers (for example inside a shop), the number of seats in a theater and etc. If you use “commercial” music it is necessary to request these licenses from both bodies to be able to regularly provide sound for your venue or commercial activity, thus the costs easily double.

The use of Rehegoo music does not require licenses from SIAE and SCF, but only the Rehegoo license, which entirely covers the rights for in-store distribution.

Do I need a license to play music in my business or store?2023-10-29T15:39:07+00:00

Yes, you need a license to play music in your shop or business, whatever it may be (for example, bars, restaurants, gyms, yoga studios, etc.). Without a proper license, you may be subject to fines or penalties. Rehegoo offers complete music solutions, including all necessary licenses, to ensure your business is compliant with regulations.

How can I play Rehegoo music in my business or shop?2023-10-29T15:40:02+00:00

Whatever solution is best for you, Rehegoo is ready to support you.

If you have a trusted technological partner for the supply of in-store diffusion systems, Rehegoo will be happy to make the music selected for your business available, without you having to make any changes to the system already in use.

If, however, you also need a technical solution for diffusion, Rehegoo will be able to offer you various options to integrate with the license.

How much does Rehegoo’s Music for Business service cost?2023-10-29T15:41:20+00:00

The cost of our service starts from a basic amount of €140 per point of sale and includes a series of exclusive advantages:

All licenses included in the price: You won’t have to worry about additional costs for licenses, they are all included in the initial amount.
Custom playlists created by our music stylists: Our expert music stylists will dedicate themselves to creating tailor-made playlists, carefully following your brand’s identity and specific client requests.
Assistance during onboarding with the selection of the best technology partners available on the market: We will support you during the integration process, helping you choose the technology partners best suited to your needs.
Dedicated account manager during the entire duration of the contract: You will have a dedicated account manager who will assist and guide you at every stage of your contract with us.
Technical support always available: Our technical support team will always be ready to assist you, ensuring uninterrupted service.
Creation of advertisements tailored to your brand: We will create personalized advertisements that will best reflect the image and values ​​of your brand.

Can I customize my musical offering?2023-10-29T15:42:57+00:00

The customization of the service is one of our strengths. Each of our artistic proposals is previously discussed and studied between the client and our music stylists, so as to center the needs and capture the uniqueness of each brand.

What legal guarantees does Rehegoo offer?2023-10-29T15:52:12+00:00

Rehegoo relieves its customers of any other burden related to the distribution of music in commercial establishments: with the Rehegoo license it is not necessary to request any SIAE, SCF, LEA license.

To protect its customers, Rehegoo guarantees total indemnity in the event of any disputes raised by third parties, with full coverage of legal expenses that may arise in such circumstances.

What does the Rehegoo Music for Business license include?2023-10-29T15:52:57+00:00

The Rehegoo license is all-inclusive and includes:

Certificate for the diffusion of Rehegoo musical repertoire in public establishments
Assistance in managing communications with collecting societies and support for store managers
Indemnity and legal protection, i.e. taking charge and covering any disputes raised by third parties.

How to apply for a Rehegoo license for my business/store or commercial activity?2023-10-29T15:56:08+00:00

You can receive detailed information and an accurate quote by writing to [email protected]. Our Sales team will assist you in all steps.

What is Music for Business?2023-10-29T15:56:57+00:00

Music for Business is Rehegoo’s service for ambient music, dedicated to all commercial activities (shops, restaurants, gyms, supermarkets…).

Music For Content

Do I need other licenses than the Rehegoo one for my content?2023-10-28T15:13:20+00:00

With the Rehegoo license, the use of a piece of music for your content is fully authorized and you do not need to apply for any other license. If you are a Content Creator, choose the right music for your content and get your projects off the ground!

Can I use Rehegoo music for my YouTube videos?2023-10-29T15:31:51+00:00

Yes, you can use Rehegoo Music music for your Youtube videos by purchasing the sync license as explained HERE

Is a license required for each project?2023-10-29T15:32:53+00:00

Absolutely yes! Each song is licensed for a single project, therefore, you may use multiple songs in the same project as long as each song has been licensed for that specific use.

A single project means a single video, a single website, a video game or an application. However, the license grants the right to use the specific Rehegoo piece of music in an unlimited number of different episodes of a podcast or updates of the project itself.

What does the Rehegoo Music for Content license include?2023-10-29T15:33:50+00:00
  • Licenza personale
    La licenza personale è destinata a progetti non correlati a prodotti e servizi commerciali, in cui la musica costituisce un sottofondo del progetto. Esempi di progetti adatti a questa licenza sono un video di matrimonio o di laurea, un sito web o un blog personali.
    Inoltre, il tuo progetto deve avere meno di 25.000 visualizzazioni previste su servizi come YouTube, Vimeo e piattaforme social, come Facebook e Instagram. Se le visualizzazioni del tuo progetto superano questo limite, dovrai invece acquistare la licenza commerciale.

    • Licenza commerciale

Questa licenza è valida per i progetti che presentano un prodotto o un servizio in vendita o che sono sostenuti o sponsorizzati da un prodotto/servizio commerciale. Inoltre, la licenza commerciale è pensata per tutti i progetti con più di 25.000 visualizzazioni su piattaforme streaming come YouTube, Vimeo, Netflix, Disney+ e piattaforme social, come Facebook e Instagram. 

Alcuni esempi di progetti coperti da questa licenza sono: video commerciali, musica di sottofondo per siti web aziendali o sponsorizzati, pubblicità online e canali televisivi.

What is Rehegoo sync license?2023-10-29T15:34:41+00:00

Rehegoo’s synchronization license or “Sync” grants permission to use the piece of music in an audiovisual production. The main factor that determines the cost of a license is the potential number of viewers of the content and the type of use, for example radio, advertising, TV, games etc.

How to request a Rehegoo license for a video project?2023-10-29T15:35:37+00:00

If you are interested in one of our songs for your project, please contact us at [email protected].

What is Music for Content?2023-10-29T15:36:14+00:00

Music for Content is the royalty-inclusive music service dedicated to all content creators or video production companies to set their projects to music (for example, YouTube videos, short/feature films, advertising, etc.); it allows them to forget about the complexity of music licensing.

Music For

Rehegoo’s music contains explicit content?2023-10-28T15:01:26+00:00

We understand how stressful it can be to manage explicit content for your brand, so we decided to make things simple: none of our songs contain explicit language.

Will the music be legally covered and safe?2023-10-28T15:01:09+00:00

Absolutely yes! Rehegoo’s Music for Brands music service is completely legal and includes the necessary licenses. Rehegoo ensures that the distribution of music in their business complies with public performance regulations.

How do the SIAE and SCF licenses for shops and commercial activities work?2023-10-28T15:02:16+00:00

The SIAE and SCF licenses take various parameters into consideration, including: the size of the space where the music is played, the number of speakers (for example inside a shop), the number of seats in a theater and etc. If you use “commercial” music it is necessary to request these licenses from both bodies in order to regularly provide sound to the shop or retail chain; here the costs easily double.

The use of Rehegoo music does not require licenses from SIAE and SCF, but only the Rehegoo license which fully covers the rights for in-store distribution.

Do they need a license to play music in their business?2023-10-28T15:03:16+00:00

Yes, they need a license to play music in their business. Without a proper license they may be subject to fines or penalties. Rehegoo offers complete music solutions, including all necessary licenses, to ensure your business is compliant with regulations.

How can my business partners play Rehegoo music in their store/business?2023-10-28T15:04:06+00:00

Whatever solution suits them best, Rehegoo is ready to support them.

If they have a trusted technological partner for the supply of in-store diffusion systems, Rehegoo will be happy to make the selected music available to them, without them having to make any changes to the system already in use.

If, however, they also need a technical solution for diffusion, Rehegoo will be able to offer them various options to integrate with the license.

How much does Rehegoo’s Music for Business service cost?2023-10-28T15:05:11+00:00

The cost of our service starts from a basic amount of €140 per point of sale and includes a series of exclusive advantages:

All licenses included in the price: You won’t have to worry about additional costs for licenses, they are all included in the initial amount.
Custom playlists created by our music stylists: Our expert music stylists will dedicate themselves to creating tailor-made playlists, carefully following your brand’s identity and specific client requests.
Assistance during onboarding with the selection of the best technology partners available on the market: We will support you during the integration process, helping you choose the technology partners best suited to your needs.
Dedicated account manager during the entire duration of the contract: You will have a dedicated account manager who will assist and guide you at every stage of your contract with us.
Technical support always available: Our technical support team will always be ready to assist you, ensuring uninterrupted service.
Creation of advertisements tailored to your brand: We will create personalized advertisements that will best reflect the image and values ​​of your brand.

Can I customize the music offer for my business partners?2023-10-28T15:10:56+00:00

The customization of the service is one of our strengths. Each of our artistic proposals is previously discussed and studied between the customer and our sound designers, so as to center the needs and capture the uniqueness of each brand.

What legal guarantees does Rehegoo offer?2023-10-28T15:11:44+00:00

Rehegoo relieves its customers of any burden related to the distribution of music in commercial establishments: with the Rehegoo license it is not necessary to obtain any SIAE, SCF, LEA license.

To protect its customers, Rehegoo guarantees total indemnity in the event of any disputes raised by third parties, with coverage of legal expenses that may arise in such circumstances.

What does the Rehegoo Music for Brands license include?2023-10-28T15:12:32+00:00

The Rehegoo license is all-inclusive and includes:

Certificate for the diffusion of Rehegoo musical repertoire in public establishments

Assistance in managing communications with collecting societies and support for store managers

Indemnity and legal protection, i.e. taking charge and covering any disputes raised by third parties.

Programming of advertising spots agreed with the brand for its commercial partners

Book your music consultation today!

Book your music consultation today!

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